Ignite your confidence & become an impactful leader professionally, personally, and socially.

(no extrovert mask required!)

Growing up in an extrovert-biased society teaches introverts to devalue their innate gifts and skills.

The message is that you need to overcome or "fix" your introversion. You're told to just get over it and put yourself out there.  Organizations and social structures are organized to align with extrovert needs, not introverted.

Which means, if you're introverted, you feel like you're swimming upstream as you force yourself to *try* to conform to what you believe is expected of you.

But the cost of all this ill-informed conditioning is that you dismiss who you are at your core, which prevents you from feeling deep, unconditional confidence to shine your light in ways that make sense to you AND feel oh-so-good for you!

Do you ever feel...


That the louder, more outgoing folks get all the attention?

(But also prefer staying out of the spotlight)


About being put on the spot or navigating those dreaded ice-breaker questions?

(Seriously...WHY do these exist?!)


For avoiding another group lunch so you can enjoy a blissful hour to yourself?

(And bury your nose in your latest page-turner!)


Of being told to speak up more, contribute more, show up more, etc. because it feels so against your nature?

(And let's be honest...you don't feel like you can get a word in when everyone else is talking over each other!)


To speak up in meetings, on calls, at networking events, etc. because you're afraid you'll say something "stupid"?

(Not a word I like to use, but it's the one my clients always choose when sharing on this topic!)


At not being able to find some quiet space in your calendar to catch your breath during the day?

(And to prevent your energy from free-falling and landing on empty!)


Then I bet you feel at a disadvantage because of your introverted nature and wish you didn't have to pretend to be something you're not (ahem...extroverted!) to get noticed for those plum projects or leadership opportunities, right?

Let me guess...to push through these challenges, you're...

Googling for tips on how to become more extroverted, come out of your shell, or speak up more because you believe being quiet is a curse that's preventing you from moving ahead?

Reading (or listening to!) books on how to feel more confident to become a leader (because you feel you could make an impact!), but feel disheartened because all of the tactics suggested aren't meant for you!?

White-knuckling it as you force yourself to endure all the events, meetings, etc., and talk more than you're comfortable with because you feel that's the only option to getting noticed (only to crash in a depleted heap at the end of the day/week and dread having to do it all again the next day/week!)?

Living for the weekend where you can hide in the safety of your home to finally recharge your batteries, but hoping no one asks you on Monday, "What did you do this weekend?" since you won't have anything exciting to share?

Your introversion isn't what's holding you back.

It's your beliefs about your introversion.

Trying to learn how to become more outgoing and social, is downplaying all the qualities that will allow you to stand out and shine.

You don't need to FIX anything!

You simply need to allow yourself the freedom to BE you!

(I know right now it doesn't feel "simple", but that's why I'm here to help!)

Imagine if in 6 months, you felt your introversion was your secret superpower...

Right now, you may see your introversion as a disadvantage (it's not!!), but what if instead of giving into the pressure to hide your introverted spirit, you embraced it!

Wouldn't you rather...

Be seen and recognized for who you are and what you contribute WITHOUT having to be louder, outgoing, more "on"?

Feel confident speaking up when you know you have something valuable to contribute?

Become an inspiring leader that uses your unique introverted qualities to stand out and shine?

Be an impactful leader that grows strong, connected, high-performing teams?

Feel supported in your relationships so you feel a harmonious flow between work, family, community, and solo time?

Yes? I can help you get there!

I can show you how to be your true introverted self & still shine brighter than the loudest person in the room!

Vicky, in her patient, thoughtful, intuitive way, works with me to pull out the truth of whatever I’m struggling with (which is usually not what I think I’m struggling with!), and she helps me reach insights that have alluded me for years.

With Vicky, I’ve found such a deep clarity on what truly resonates with me. As a result, I'm able to show up as myself, in the ways that work for me, and with ease that I never thought possible. Working with Vicky has made something that always felt tough for me, putting myself out there, seem aligned and simple. If you have the opportunity to work with Vicky, hop on it…quickly.

I help you cultivate deep, unconditional confidence in yourself so you're...

wait for it...


(without guilt, shame, explanations, justifications, etc.)

Free to be YOU means you're...

Free to do things in ways that make sense to you

Free to succeed on your terms

Free to speak up when you want to contribute (but stay quiet when you don't)

Free from the inner critic voices that want you to believe you're never enough

Free from the doubts that suggest you can't have what you desire

Over the course of 6 months...

I'll help you to upgrade belief system to change your thought patterns so you become impactful leaders professionally, personally, and socially without having to magically morph into an extrovert!

More specifically, I'll help you...


You know the ones...those that are preventing you from taking the steps to achieve what you desire.

(No more feeling bad for being you!)


Discover with what makes you unique and powerful BECAUSE you're an introvert.

(How cool would that be?!)


Experiment with getting uncomfortable as you take action that helps you grow your confidence and see yourself in an entirely new and empowering way.

(I'll be supporting you the entire time!)


Protect your energy by establishing energetic boundaries and communicating your needs to protect your energy.

(And let's be honest...your sanity!)


Heal the disruptions to your energetic body that come from being taught to doubt yourself as an introvert.

(Which opens you to new ways of thinking and being!)


Use your unique gifts, learn to trust your instinct, and finally discover what it means to deeply believing in yourself.

(Which transforms how you live your life!)

When I first started working with Vicky, I felt like a hamster on a wheel. I didn't feel inspired, or creative. I felt LOST. Something was missing - I needed to find my purpose in life, have more fun, and learn to simply enjoy the moment.

Working with Vicky allowed me to change my perspective and discover who I am now. I’ve learned to create a new reality!

Free to Be You is not a cookie cutter program that looks identical for each client.

It's a 1:1 bespoke confidence coaching program where I meet you where you are with the goal of getting you where you want to go. 

While that process may look different for everyone, my process for helping you develop unconditional confidence in yourself as an introvert follows 3 key elements.


Unravel what's blocking you based on your current subconscious belief systems and thought habits to see them from a more self-accepting perspective.


Reconnect with your natural skills and gifts, as an introvert, to embrace them since you've likely dismissed them as limitations.


Step out of your comfort zone as an empowered introvert, not as a pretend extrovert, by using your up-leveled beliefs and activated gifts.

How it works...


(60 minutes)

➡️ Identify the goal(s) you want to achieve in the program

➡️ Make your commitment the program and process


(60 minutes each)

➡️ Element 1: Work through the beliefs/thoughts blocking you

➡️ Element 2: Gather your gifts to source new levels of confidence

➡️ Element 3: Engage in Purposeful Play to practice getting out of your comfort zone (you'll do this between each call)


(6 Months)

As you're working on the concepts we discuss in your coaching calls, and practice getting out of your comfort zone, if you feel stuck or encounter a situation where you feel yourself sliding backwards, you'll have access to me via Voxer for spot coaching.

And a few extra goodies included to sweeten the experience even more!


(30 minutes)

Use this bonus call as an 'Emergency! I-can't-wait-for-our-next-session!' call, to get a pep talk before an event, or for whatever you'd like at any point during the program!


(by Susan Cain)

Understanding who you are as an introvert is essential to feeling free to be YOU! Quiet by Susan Cain is THE book to read to learn more about how introverts work. When you join Free to Be You, I'll send you a free copy of the book!


(60 minutes each)

After completing the 6 months, you won't be left on your own! We'll come together for 3 additional coaching calls - 1/month for the 3 months post program to check in and work through any issues that have popped up!

The Investment...


Or $625/month for 6 months

Vicky has a vested interest in seeing women succeed. She devotes her time, energy, and talents to pushing women forward. She’s very encouraging - whenever I need a kind word, she provides a kind but balanced view. She’s also a great cheerleader and knows how to inspire people.

I’d recommend anyone to work with Vicky because she sees things through and will stick with them until they get where they want to go.

This is for you if...

I've worked with a clients from a variety of backgrounds on growing confidence as an introvert:

In the office...

I've helped clients...

Step into manager or leadership positions feeling confident in what they bring to the table as an introvert

Fall in love with networking so they connect with potential clients without feeling drained or bogged down in mindless small talk

Learn to speak up with confidence without feeling like they need to share when they don't have something to say

Growing a business...

I've helped clients...

Feel more comfortable with putting themselves out there on videos, social media, etc.

Minimize the overthinking that comes with fear and doubts so they become more adept at making decisions that help them move forward with confidence

Find their voice so they feel more confident speaking their truth without feeling overly exposed

Building relationships...

I've helped clients...

Learn how to feel confident making friends in a new city without having to wonder what to talk about or where to go

Feel confident dating and finding someone who values them & appreciates their quiet, independent nature

Set boundaries in relationships for personal time to recharge by confidently communicating their needs as an introvert

If you're ready to step into your power by honoring your introverted soul, and use that power to impactfully and confidently lead yourself, career growth, biz development, personal relationships, or community involvement, then Free to Be You will help you connect with that power!

What I love about working with Vicky is her ability to listen. She hears what I’m conveying even when the words aren’t matching my intentions.

She challenges my thought process in a nurturing and supportive way and brings a fresh perspective to any given situation so that I can see situations from all angles and come to the best decision for me.

She has a strong sense of integrity that makes her trustworthy, and I appreciate her common-sense logic.

Hi there! I've Vicky Regina...

I'm a certified mindset coach and energy healer that works 1:1 with my clients in my bespoke confidence coaching programs.

I don't believe in applying a one-size-fits-all approach to all of my clients because everyone is unique!

The art of cultivating unshakeable confidence and owning who you are looks different for everyone, so I prefer to factor YOUR needs into the equation to work with you individually and powerfully so you finally believe and trust in yourself in a way that allows you to finally become an empowered, impactful leader in your career, business, and life.

My mission is to empower introverts to quietly thrive unapologetically!

That looks like empowering you to...

Find the freedom that comes with rejecting the idea that you need to conform to an 'extrovert's world' because 'that's just the way it is'

Embody the knowledge (and confidence!) that you are not less than or at a disadvantage because you're introverted

Approach your life from the perspective that it's an introvert's world (because for you, it is!) and make that your reality

Understand why your skills and quieter approach is exactly what's needed in our world today

This not-so-tiny mission of mine is because I'm a hardcore and proud introvert! I know how hard it can feel to be seen and recognized when you're not the loudest person in the room. I understand what it feels like to wish I could walk into a crowded room and feel energized, not anxious!

For years, I tried to fight my introversion (which was a losing battle!) to be like everyone else, until I finally realized that in doing so, I was denying who I am at my core! Once I learned what it actually means to be introverted (which is VERY different than what we're taught!), I was able to drop the doubts, self-judgments, and disappointments to embrace my magical quiet soul.

Ironically, once I did that, I became a lot less quiet because I found my confidence and my voice!

Vicky is an amazing life coach. She is intuitive, professional, experienced, respectful, and so much fun to work with! I can only recommend her.

Imagine if this was an "introvert's world"?

What would change for you?

This is what happens when you reject the idea that you need to overcome or fix your introversion and you learn to finally embrace what makes you phenomenal because you're introverted!

If you keep going it alone, fighting your nature to try to become something you're not, where do you imagine you'll be in 6 months?

But, what if you were able to learn to lean into who you, crack open that untapped well of unconditional confidence, and finally learn to navigate your life (and your goals) in a way that makes sense to you and feels so much more expansive?!

Let me help you stop your inner struggle and embrace your inner fire.

Vicky has a skill in making the session comfortable and inviting as you drop into hearing what your inner voice has to say. She is patient, and I never felt rushed.

Answers to a few questions you may have...

What if I'm not sure if this is right for me?

It's a big decision to decide to work with a coach, so I totally understand that you may have some questions! This is why I only accept clients into the program after we meet on a 45-minute call where I get to know a little more about you, and vice versa (click HERE to book your call!)! It also gives you the opportunity to ask the questions you need the answers to in order to decide if this is the right fit.

This 45-minute call, what I call a Confidence Kickstart consult call, is a no-obligation, no-pressure opportunity for us to decide if it makes sense to move forward and work together. If it's not a fit, no worries! But, my hope is that you still walk away with a kickstart to your confidence! 😊

What is the Confidence Kickstart Call?

The Confidence Kickstart Call is a 45 minute 1:1 call where I'll ask you questions to get clarity on what you're struggling with, what's been getting in your way, what you desire, and your overall level of commitment to doing what you need to make that your reality! This will help me assess if this program is the right fit for you (if not, no worries! I do have other options, and if it simply doesn't make sense for us to work together, that's also okay!).

In the process of assessing what you've been struggling with and what you desire, I'll be able to help you see new perspectives so even if you decide not to proceed with joining the program, you'll walk away with a boost to your confidence, so you feel more empowered as an introvert!

This sounds exactly like what I need! How do I get started?

Yay! That makes me so happy! To get started, please book a 45-minute Confidence Kickstart consult call with me so we can explore what you'd like to work on and get to know each other a little bit so we can confirm it makes sense to work together. If so, then I'll share next steps with you on the call!

Is there any guarantee as to what I'll achieve in 6 months?

As a coach, it's unethical to guarantee a specific result because the primary factor in your results is what you put into the program. Think about it like this...if you hired a coach at the gym and they guaranteed you would lose 20 pounds in 3 months, but you didn't change your eating habits, sat on the couch all the time, and didn't push yourself in the workouts with your coach, how likely would it be that you'd lose those 20 pounds? Not likely! Even if the coach brought their A+ game, if you choose to not put in the effort and be willing to get uncomfortable to welcome in the changes you desire, the guarantee won't get you the results.

What I can guarantee is that I show up fully committed to helping you navigate those barriers that might make you want to not give it your all, so you achieve what you desire. In fact, in the first call of the program - The Goal Setting and Commitment Call - we'll set a goal for the program and I'll invite YOU to make the guarantee to what you plan to achieve by the end of the program. My commitment is to co-create that reality with you by holding you accountable to the goal, reminding you of your commitment, and challenging you to give it your all!