You make an impact, authentically connect with others, and powerfully expand your biz.

If you're introverted, the idea of networking is understandably scary and uncomfortable!

You think you have to work the room and sell yourself.

But, you do NOT have to be super outgoing to get the most out of networking!

Overcoming this discomfort is important to you because...

You want to grow your business

by growing your network

You want to meet other like-minded

biz owners for support and collaboration

You know that networking could provide opportunities for both of those desires.

But, right now, just the idea of going to a networking event leaves you feeling frustrated, and you wish you could just be more outgoing so it wouldn't be so scary.

Or, you have a moment of bravery and you sign up for a local event, but you feel so anxious and tired before it even starts that you just can't be bothered to go.

And, I don't know about you, but how many times have you made your way to an event only to feel so drained from trying to talk to other people that you eventually have to find a corner where you can hide and recharge (which just leaves you feeling like the entire thing was a huge waste of time!)?

I get it! As a hardcore introvert that spent years resisting networking, I understand the frustration and discomfort!

BUT! What if networking isn't what you think it is??

Imagine next time you're out there networking...

❤️ You feel a lot more confident because you have a few strategies for talking with others so you don't feel awkward, nor do you feel like you need to be more outgoing!

❤️ When feeling those pre-event nerves, you have a couple of tricks up your sleeve to get out of your head and reconnect with how awesome you are!

❤️ When you feel the need to hide, you feel confident knowing exactly how to recharge in the moment so you feel refreshed (without having to hide in a corner all night!).

When you change your perspective on what it means to network and find more confidence in networking your way, everything changes!

If this sounds a LOT more appealing than working the room or engaging in meaningless chit-chat, then I'm excited to invite you to...

Impactful Networking For Introverts

In this masterclass, you'll learn how to...

⭐️ Shift your perspective on networking, so it no longer feels so scary!

⭐️ Connect with what makes introverts amazing networkers, so you understand why this can totally work for you!

⭐️ Embody new strategies to be more present AND successfully navigate small talk, so you actually enjoy connecting on a deeper level!

When you finish this masterclass, you'll shift from disempowered to empowered!

Here's what you'll enjoy...


30-minute info-packed video to teach you 3 steps to help you to finally shift your perspective of networking to a new, empowering way (the introverted way!).


4-part workbook (27 pages!) to guide you deeper into the concepts presented in the class, and to explore your new approach to networking your way.



What others are saying about the masterclass...

I took 4 pages of notes! This was great! The introverted side of me now has a way of going to in-person meetings!

~ Donna ~

What an amazing shift in perception to navigate my introversion and make new connections! I'm actually getting excited about my next engagement thinking of ways to control my mindset and environment to reduce anxiety!

~ Shannon ~

I enjoyed the masterclass! It was top notch!

~ Suzanne ~

Plus, a few EXTRA GOODIES!

To help boost your confidence, even more, you'll enjoy a few additional power-packed resources...



Introvert-friendly tips to help navigate your next event with more ease & confidence


Audio inspiration to guide you deeper with your workbook exercises


4-page workbook to help you be more present during your next networking event


8-page workbook to teach you how to steer small talk to more meaningful discussions

If you're ready to up your game and finally enjoy networking the introvert way, then I invite you to...

Hi! I'm Vicky Regina...

I'm a certified mindset and intuition coach for introverted women.

I coach introverts on how to jumpstart their confidence to help them stop using their introversion so they can quietly thrive, unapologetically.

I'm also a hardcore, PROUD introvert! Like you, I spent years feeling I was at a disadvantage because I wasn't more outgoing. But, once I learned what makes introverts awesome, I was able to embody my unique gifts. In doing so, I dropped the facade that I used to hide my introversion and I fully embraced it!

My passion is helping other introverts do the same because when that happens, you relax into yourself and you finally come home to yourself.

Networking is something I used to avoid at all costs! I felt so wildly uncomfortably and awkward that I couldn't see the point in putting myself in that lion's den! But, once I learned how to reject my perceived ideas on what it meant to network and embrace what makes me awesome at connecting with others, I completely changed my networking tactics.

These days, I joyfully network every single week! Rarely, do I walk away from an event without new relationships established, new collaborations/joint ventures, speaking opportunities, etc. I've made new biz buddies, signed clients (even though I DO NOT pitch or sell myself when I network), and scheduled multiple speaking and collaborations. All from networking the introverted way.

It is 100% possible to transition from "I HATE networking!" to "I LOVE networking!" as an introvert, and through this masterclass, I want to help guide you to open the door to what's possible.


What happens after I buy the masterclass?

After you purchase the masterclass, you'll received an email with a link to the student portal. Once inside the student portal, you'll have immediate access to all course materials, including the extra goodies!

Can I get a refund?

Due the digital format of the program, refunds are not available.

Are there any live calls?

No, there are no live calls. This is 100% a self-paced masterclass/program. But, if you feel the program would benefit from a live element, please let me know by providing feedback via the student portal!

Is this going to teach me how to be more outgoing or extroverted?

No! You don't need to become more outgoing or extroverted to become successful at networking (and to enjoy it!). You simply need to become confident in doing it YOUR way! That is what I'm introducing you to via this masterclass 😊.