The Introvert

Hangover Handbook

A handbook to explore the full spectrum of the dreaded Introvert Hangover so you can plan ahead and never experience one again!

Trying to navigate social situations can drive even the most well-rested introvert straight into the "introvert wall!"

Understanding what causes an introvert hangover and recognizing the signs puts you in the driver's seat so you can properly prepare and navigate social events without crossing that crucial tipping point where you're left nursing an introvert hangover!

In this guided handbook, I'll give you the full 360° tour of an Introvert Hangover, so you understand what it is, recognize the signs, create a plan, and if needed, recover with grace!

Socializing and navigating parties, events, etc. is part of life...

But, it doesn't have to be a sure fire path to overstimulation, overwhelm, and exhaustion!

When it comes to navigating social scenes, managing your energy is the KEY component to preventing an introvert hangover. Recognizing the signals your body sends you to warn you that you're overextending your social batteries is essential for even the most social of introverts!

When you understand the underlying causes of an introvert hangover and can discern your own signals that you're heading in that direction, you have the power to take control of the situation! Even better is when you put parameters in place before heading out the door to alleviate the all-too-familiar brain fog and exhaustion!

In this handbook, I'll help you...


Understand what an introvert hangover is and the most common symptoms


Learn easy-to-implement strategies to prevent an introvert hangover (& tips to recover if you overdo it!)


Create your own implementation plan through guided prompts to discover your patterns & identify your best-fit strategies

Sound familiar?

You enjoy your job, and you’re a go-getter, but to get ahead, you feel you have to attend all the social events, which just leaves you exhausted after too many in a row (or after a really long day!), but thinking you have no choice, you force yourself to slap on a smile as you power through, all while ignoring the pounding headache that threatens to take over.

You love your family, and you’re grateful to be close to everyone, but you’d give your right arm to have just one weekend to yourself without having people over or having to go to someone’s BBQ or birthday party, but instead of speaking up, you tell yourself that maybe next month you can catch a break (knowing that’ll never happen!).

One of the things you love about your husband is how friendly & outgoing he is, but at the same time, you can’t help but curse that side of him because it means always being out socializing or having people over, and you’re exhausted. For once, you’d like to do your thing while he enjoys an evening surrounded by others, but you don’t know how to bring it up without hurting his feelings.

With all of your heart, you know your business is what you’re here to do, but you’re struggling with all the sound “advice” to put yourself “out there” more often. You understand how important networking is and meeting new people, but just the idea of it leaves you feeling exhausted, so you skip yet another event in favor of chilling on the couch with a pizza and Netflix.

If any of these scenarios leaves you wondering how I got into your head, then grabbing this handbook will be a lifesaver! 😉

I used to DREAD parties and socializing!

But, once I learned to prioritize my needs as an introvert (and not feel guilty about it!)...everything changed!

Now, I can plan ahead, so I don't hit that "introvert wall" and spend days in recovery mode (i.e., on my couch binging Harry Potter!).

I've learned that my needs as an introvert won't align with those of an extrovert, and that's 100% okay. In establishing boundaries and implementing some on-the-fly energetic boosts, I protect my energy, honor myself, and gracefully avoid crossing the point of no return!

As a hardcore introvert, I've spent a good portion of my life denying what makes! I wore the fake extrovert mask and never understood why I always felt so drained. When I finally realized this mask was feeding a lifetime of imposter complex, I could see the damage of denying my innate wiring.

These days, I make NO apologies for my quieter, independent nature! Being my best self means honoring who I am, and along this journey of acceptance, I fell in love with being an introvert (like, seriously, it's my FAVE thing about my personality, well, aside from my witty, but sometimes, dark sense of humor 😉).

My passion is to help guide introverts back to their truest, most beautiful selves so they feel empowered to become the intentional creators of their life and quietly thrive, unapologetically.

When you implement the tools and strategies you'll uncover in this handbook at your next social event, you'll experience more sustainable energy and greater confidence!

Plus! You'll avoid the dreaded introvert hangover! 🎉